Zuraw, my family name, rhymes with English 'FUR paw' (main stress is on first syllable)
You can use the pronoun she to refer to me in English, and feminine pronouns in other languages that have them. In languages with gender agreement you can use feminine agreement for me.
If the link to the title doesn't let you access the article, try the link for the pre-print version. Pre-print versions are not identical to final published versions.
Zuraw, Kie (2022). Four inclusive practices for the phonology classroom.Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Ed. by Peter Jurgec, Liisa Duncan, Emily Elfner, Yoonjung Kang, Alexei Kochetov, Brittney K. O'Neill, Avery Ozburn, Keren Rice, Nathan Sanders, Jessamyn Schertz, Nate Shaftoe, and Lisa Sullivan.
Zuraw, Kie, Kathleen Chase O'Flynn, and Kaeli Ward (2019). Non-native contrasts in Tongan loans.Phonology 36(1): 127-170.
Pre-print version We show that patterns in Tongan loans from English can be captured using only constraints that plausibly are needed for native-word phonology, including constraints that reflect perceptual strategies.
Zuraw, Kie (2018). Beyond trochaic shortening.Language: Phonological Data and Analysis 94(1): e1-e42.
Pre-print version Surveys how languages in the Central Pacific family handle underlying forms like /maali/, including breaking (e.g., Tongan), tochaic shortening (Fijian), and tolerance. Finds limited evidence for productive trochaic shortening. Suggests that neturalizations in core member of paradigm is hard to learn and lexicalization of whole words is one solution. Also finds some divergence between root phonotactics and alternations.
Shih, Stephanie and Kie Zuraw (2017). Phonological conditions on variable adjective-noun word order in Tagalog.Language: Phonological Data and Analysis 93: e317-e352.
Pre-print version Shows that variable word order in Tagalog adjective/noun combinations optimizes for phonological structure, including phonotactic, syllabic, and morphophonological well-formedness preferences that are also found elsewhere in Tagalog grammar. Results indicate that surface phonological information is accessible for word order choice.
Zuraw, Kie and Hayes, Bruce (2017). Intersecting constraint families: An argument for harmonic grammar.Language 93: 497-548.
supplemental materials, including R code and results
pre-print version In three case studies (Tagalog, French, Hungarian), when two independent families of constraints intersect, Harmonic Grammar provides a better model of variation than competing constraint-based models of variation. In particular, Harmonic Grammar easily captures floor and ceiling effects in both dimensions, with maximal variation in the middle. Supplemental materials include raw data and html files narrating statistical analysis, which can be reproduced using RStudio.
Zuraw, Kie (2016). Polarized variation.Catalan Journal of Linguistics 15: 145-171.
Many variable phonological phenomena show a U-shaped rather than bell-shaped distribution: there are many items (words or phrases) that always show one behavior, and many that always show the other, with not so many in between. Documents several cases and gives a schematic diachronic model of how U-shaped and bell-shaped distributions could arise.
Zuraw, Kie and Sharon Peperkamp (2015). Aspiration and the gradient structure of English prefixed words. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow. Paper number 0382, 1-5.
A production study to look for words that vary between stem-initial aspiration (like mis-type) and non-aspiration (like mistake), and a look at the frequency factors that correlate.
Here's the poster, with some plots that don't appear in the paper.
Zuraw, Kie (2015). Allomorphs of French de in coordination: a reproducible study.Linguistics Vanguard. Pre-print version Unlike English, French usually retains the second de in a phrase like morceaux de carottes et (de) tomates 'pieces of carrots and (of) tomatoes', but dropping the second de is possible. The rate at which this happens differs depending on
whether the two words being coordinated begin with vowels or consonants.
Daland, Robert and Kie Zuraw (2013).
Does Korean defeat phonotactic word segmentation?Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
(Volume 2: Short Papers). Pp. 873-877.
Pre-print version Applies Daland's phonotactic segmentation model to a corpus of Korean;
analyzes performance quantitatively, with some qualitative discussion.
Zuraw, Kie (2013).
*MAP constraints. Unpublished manuscript.
An edited version of material from an earlier, unpublished version of
the 2007 Language paper (below) that did not make it into the
published version. That earlier version had limited circulation,
and some researchers have since found the *MAP() notation useful and
wished for a fuller explanation to cite than the very brief one found in
the 2007 paper.
Zuraw, Kie (2011). Predicting Korean sai-siot. Slides from talk given at the 2011 Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference (Seoul National University) and at UC Berkeley.
I never published this because it was a study of dictionary data and needed a survey of speakers' pronunciations. For studies that do include speaker data, see:
Ito, Chiyki. 2014. Compound tensification and laryngeal co-occurrence restrictions in Yanbian Korean. Phonology 31(3): 349-398.
Kim, Seoyoung. 2017. Phonological trends in Seoul Korean compound tensification. Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Meeting on PHonology.
Yee, Yoona. 2024. Productivity of compound tensification in Seoul Korean. Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology 30(2): 225-248.
Zuraw, Kie (2010).
A model of lexical variation and
the grammar with application to Tagalog nasal substitution.Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 28(2): 417-472.
Pre-print version Examines variation in the application of a phonological rule. Argues for
the psychological
reality of regularities in the rule's distribution and proposes a model of
grammar that encodes the regularities but defers to lexical entries. Compares
the rule's behavior cross-linguistically to the factorial typology of the
proposed constraint set.
Zuraw, Kie (2009).
Frequency influences on rule application within and across words.Proceedings of CLS (Chicago Linguistic Society) 43.
Pre-print version Examines representations of tapping (d -> r) in a written corpus of
Tagalog/Filipino. Argues that the grammar restricts where tapping can and
cannot occur, but where the grammar allows variation, word and morpheme
frequency play roles. Proposes a model in which the outcome of lexical
retrieval (whole-word or synthetic) is available to the grammar.
Zuraw, Kie and
Yu-An Lu
Diverse repairs for multiple labial
consonants.Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 27. Pp. 197-224.
Pre-print version Surveys the diverse ways in which Western Austronesian languages handle the
addition of the infix -um- to a stem that already contains a labial
consonant--a case of McCarthy's "homogeneity of process, heterogeneity of
Zuraw, Kie (2007). The role of
phonetic knowledge in phonological patterning: Corpus and survey evidence from
Tagalog.Language 83. Pp. 277-316.
Pre-print version Argues that Tagalog speakers extend the language's infixing morphology to
stems beginning with novel consonant clusters in a way that is consistent with
cross-linguistic, phonetically grounded patterns--but, unlike those patterns,
difficult to explain as misperception. These new data are taken as evidence in
favor of a role for phonetic knowledge in phonological patterning.
Zuraw, Kie (2006). Using the
web as a phonological corpus: a case study from Tagalog.EACL-2006: Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the
Association for Computational Linguistics/Proceedings of the 2nd International
Workshop on Web As Corpus. Pp. 59-66.
Pre-print version Describes the construction of a written corpus of Tagalog from the web and
how it can be used to investigate phonological phenomena. Focus is on
intervocalic tapping.
Zuraw, Kie (2003). Probability
in language change.
In Rens Bod, Jennifer Hay, Stefanie Jannedy, editors, Probabilistic Linguistics.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp. 139-176.
Overview of the role of probability in the study of language change:
probability as a tool for determining language relatedness; changes in
probabilities over time; the role of item frequency in change; the effect of
language agents' behavior in a probabilistic environment on change.
References are in a separate
Zuraw, Kie (2002). Aggressive
reduplication.Phonology 19. Pp. 395-439.
Pre-print version Argues that there is a purely phonological drive for words to be interpreted
as reduplicated. (Replaces earlier manuscript version.)
Zuraw, Kie (2000). Patterned Exceptions
in Phonology.
Ph.D. dissertation, UCLA.
Analyzes some regularities in the distribution of exceptions in Tagalog.
Argues that they are part of the language system, and shows how they can be
learned, represented,
and used in speaking and listening. Gives a computational model of how
speaker-hearer interaction shapes the lexicon.
Zuraw, Kie (1999). Regularities in
the Derived Lexicon.University of Alberta Papers in Experimental and Theoretical Linguistics
6: 97-105.
Written version of a talk at the University of Alberta Workshop on the
Lexicon in Phonetics and Phonology.
Discusses how regularities in the distribution of exceptions are encoded in the
Zuraw, Kie (1996). Floating
Phonotactics: Infixation and Reduplication in Tagalog Loanwords. M.A. thesis, UCLA.
Shows how loanwords can force speakers to make decisions about constraints
whose ranking was previously irrelevant. Finds evidence for default ranking
of markedness >> faithfulness. (equations in Appendix B are illegible, but
main arguments can be followed without them)
Past PhD (co-)advisees, and currently dissertating ones
Ling 120A: Phonology I. Log in to
Bruin Learn if enrolled
Ling 251A/B: Topics in phonetics & phonology--Phonology of global pop music. Log in to
Bruin Learn if enrolled. I'll get a public web page for the class going at some point during the quarter.
Zuraw, Kie (2022). Four inclusive practices for the phonology classroom.Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Ed. by Peter Jurgec, Liisa Duncan, Emily Elfner, Yoonjung Kang, Alexei Kochetov, Brittney K. O'Neill, Avery Ozburn, Keren Rice, Nathan Sanders, Jessamyn Schertz, Nate Shaftoe, and Lisa Sullivan.
For courses with no link, if you were enrolled you can see if the course
website is still accessible by logging in to UCLA's
Bruin Learn system. Links below will yield syllabi and sometimes handouts and more.
This is an R package, now available on CRAN, for incorporating Maximum Entropy constraint grammars into your R scripts. See our AMP talk for why and how, and links to tutorial material.
Here is the CRAN page for maxent.ot.
UCLA FeaturePad
This is a program I wrote that helps phonology students learn about features (phonetic characteristics that define groups of sounds that pattern together as a "natural class"). The software lets you select natural classes and perform feature changes; it detects
contradictions and redundancies.
The original version is no longer supported. You can use a Java version by Floris van Vugt, called Pheatures, and a web version is in the works.
Screencast video showing how to use Pheatures
For the public, and ephemera
"The feeling of code-mixing"
Talk for mixed audience of linguists and other language enthusiasts: how is it that mixing languages can itself carry meaning and feeling, and how does that in turn affect words used in mixed-language contexts?
Part of the 2017-2018 talk series The Philippines and its Elsewheres, presented by the UCLA Department of Asian American Studies, UCLA Asian American Studies Center, and UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies.
Webtoon: The Comic Guide to Linguistics
If you ever wished you could read about linguistics topics in comics format on your phone, check out The Comic Guide to Linguistics