Kie Zuraw

UCLA Linguistics

Ling 251A/B: Proseminar on the prosodic word

Fall 2006

Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00-12:50 in Haynes A76

Almost everything here is a PDF file, so you need Adobe AcrobatReader (or similar software) to view and print. If you don't have AcrobatReader, download it for free.

Course information

Kie's office hours: Tuesdays 9:00-10:50, in Campbell 2101S


Lectures and Readings

Participants--e-mail me links or pdf files if you want me to post your handouts

  1. Sept. 28: Introduction to the prosodic hierarchy and the prosodic word
  2. Oct. 3: Case study: Dutch
  3. Oct. 5: Case study: Italian
  4. Oct. 10: Non-prosodic analyses of Italian and Dutch
  5. Oct. 12: Renate Raffelsiefen (1999). Diagnostics for prosodic words revisited: the case of historically prefixed words in English. In T. Alan Hall & Ursula Kleinhenz (eds.) Studies on the Phonological Word. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Presentation by Dieter, counteranalysis by Sameer.
  6. Oct. 17:
  7. Oct. 19: René Kager (1996). Stem disyllabicity in Guugu Yimidhirr. In Marina Nespor & Norval Smith (eds.), Dam Phonology: HIL Phonology Papers II, pp. 59-101. Den Haag: Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics.
    Available from Kager's publications page or as ROA 70-0000 Presentation by Jeff, counteranalysis by Andy.
  8. Oct. 24: Taking stock; models of lexical access. Reading: Jennifer Hay (2003). Causes and Consequences of Word Structure New York & London: Routledge. Chapter 4. Plus Raffelsiefen revisited, by Dieter
  9. Oct. 26: Continuation of models of lexical access.
  10. Oct. 31: Joan Bybee (2001). Phonology and Language Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 6. Presentation by Andy, counteranalysis (sort of) by Kie.
  11. Nov. 2: Bruce Hayes (1990). Precompiled phrasal phonology. In Sharon Inkelas & Draga Zec (eds.) The Syntax-Phonology Connection Stanford, CA: Center for the Study of Language and Information and Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. 85-108. Available from Hayes's publications page. Presentation by Dieter, counteranalysis by Kevin.
  12. Nov. 7: Marina Vigário & Sónia Frota (2002). Prosodic word deletion in coordinate structures. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 1: 241-264 Presentation by Sameer, counteranalysis by Jeff
  13. Nov. 9: Processing units vs. prosodic units
  14. Nov. 14: Case study: Tagalog
  15. Nov. 16: Bruce Hayes (1989). The Prosodic Hierarchy in meter. In Paul Kiparsky & Gilbert Youmans (eds.) Rhythm and Meter. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. Pp. 201-260. Available from Hayes's publications page. Presentation by Kevin, counteranalysis (sort of) by Kie.
  16. Nov. 21: Peperkamp, Sharon (1997). Prosodic Words. HIL dissertations 34. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics. Chapter 5. Presentation by Jeff, counteranalysis by Dieter.
  17. No class Nov. 23--Thanksgiving holiday

  18. Nov. 28: Junko Itô & Armin Mester (to appear). The final-C syndrome, English r-sandhi, and the constraints on syllable and word onsets. Revised version to appear in Steve Parker (ed.) Phonological Argumentation: Essays on Evidence and Motivation. London: Equinox. Available from Mester's current-projects page. Counteranalyses by both Andy and Kie (oops).
  19. Nov. 30: Case study of Bengali (Sameer); case study of Kwara'ae (Jeff).
  20. Dec. 5: Case study: Japanese compounds (Itô & Mester)
  21. Dec. 7: Course summary, and some new simulation results.

Software, a perl program to implement Matcheck
The file is actually called 'matcheckI.txt'. After downloading it, change the extension to .pl.
Updated with much new functionality! Bug reports, comments, and suggestions welcome (but no mockery of code, please).
For full info, type, at your command line, perl --man.
For a quick start to play around, download this partial lexicon file (frequencies loosely based on the BNC) and this targets file (into the same folder as you download the file), and at your command line type perl -l EngLexiconToy.txt -ta EngTargets.txt -theta 0.5.
Replace the lexicon with whatever language or frequency list you're interested in (remember that you have to include in the lexicon all the bound morphs you want recognized) and the targets with whatever words you're interested in.

Annotated bibliography (always in progress)

Overviews and earliest proposals

Selected works on phonological phrases (and higher)

The clitic group as a prosodic constituent

Other prosodic domains bigger than a foot but smaller than a phrase (e.g., phonological stem)

Phonetic studies relevant to prosodic domains (no attempt made to be comprehensive!!)

P-word as domain for phonotactics (directly or through foot structure)

Stress and prosodic domains (not comprehensive)

The p-word as the domain of syllabification or footing

Several papers in other categories also deal with this.

The p-word in prosodic morphology

Effects of p-words on word order

Prosodic constituency in/versus the lexical component of the phonology

Studies of individual languages (try also searching for language names on this page)

Competing and complementary approaches and explanations

Some relevant syntax and morphology (no attempt made at completeness!!)

Some relevant psycholinguistics (no attempt made at completeness!!)


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